Thursday, March 14, 2019

User Interface Sketches

In thinking about how the player interacts with the game in Function Fighters, I created an interaction map for the start of the level, intro puzzle, and start of the main mission. I am creating maps like the one below for each of the three sub-missions (transportation, resources, and chemistry) which are currently still in the design phase. I have started with the transportation sub-mission, so that will be the next map I create.

Below are screenshots of the game, showing the four main interaction points in the home office.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Making progress at a snails pace

It feels like I have been at this game design forever. It has been over two years since I drew the first design ideas on paper. I have made small bursts of progress, but need to make the next push. I have to get back into Storyline and start building the next part of the game. In order to do that I need to create my visual and learning content map or prototype. Currently I can't seem to get out of the abstract idea phase of this next set of sub-missions that complete the game level.

Here is what I am thinking so far about the transportation sub-mission (i.e., rate problems). I want to have HQ send a message with the 2 new recruits current locations, the player has to get the 2 new recruits to the same meet-up location at the same time. The answer to the puzzle will be the system of equations. There will be more than one correct solution, so students will send a memo to HQ for approval showing the rational for the chosen system. Players will have maps available to review as well as travel options for each agent. The maps will have a grid overlay that player can turn on and off as they are exploring different route possibilities.

I am not sure how to make all of these interactions occur in Storyline. Guess I will be checking out some Storyline tutorials soon.

Check back soon for more updates on the journey of designing a learning game.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Gameplay Video - Level 6: Systems of Equations level - First Sub-Mission

As promised, I have included a short gameplay video of what I have developed so far for Function Fighters. I hope it gives a sense of what it is like to play the game. Check it out and let me know your thoughts! (For better viewing, maximize the video window.)

I am currently working on designing the next part of this game level. What you see in the video is only the first sub-mission of the level.

In my next post, I will share more of my design ideas for the next sub-mission of this game level.
See you soon!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Design Decisions

At this point in the design and development of Function Fighters, I have completed the opening puzzle and some of the basic interaction systems within the game. The first image in my previous post are my notes from the design decisions made about the interaction and opening puzzle narrative and math content. It has been exciting to bring this section of the game to life. 

The image below is more notes on the main part of the mission. This is an update from the early design ideas shown in my previous post. The main mission is comprised of three sections each corresponding to an application of systems of linear equations. The three sub-missions involve rate problems, mixture problems, and coin problems. These are common application problems found in Algebra 1 curricula and align well with the narrative and gameplay of Function Fighters. 

My focus for now is on completing the design and development of one of the submissions. It is the transportation (i.e., rate) problem. The two images below illustrate some of my current thoughts about this portion of the game. 

I am hoping to link some gameplay video into my next post. Check back soon!

Sunday, February 3, 2019


I guess I should start with what has happened up to this point on my journey of creating a learning game for Algebra, so here it goes.

     I was a secondary math teacher frustrated by a lack of resources; either I couldn't find them, or I couldn't afford them. This need made me want to create what I was missing and was the impetus for me to seek my doctoral degree. I started analyzing what resources I wanted and needed to help my students (and other's students) more successfully apply the mathematical concepts. During this time important math practices were being recognized as vital requirements, and complex problem scenarios with short answer and essay questions were becoming a focus for assessment. While these advances are great for deep learning, traditional math curricula focus on teaching and memorizing algorithms. Math educators need resources to teach these higher-order thinking skills.

     Enter game-based learning. An idea began to form in my mind about a game where students could play with algebra. I game to bridge the gap between algorithm and application and build conceptual understanding. And I will call it, Function Fighters!

I began the early phases of planning the learning game. In an unconventional decision, I decided to start with one of the middle game levels instead of the beginning. I decided to start with a level on systems of linear equations. As a teacher, my algebra students always struggled with the application problems in this unit, regardless of the teaching strategy I employed. It was this struggle that first sparked the idea of Function Fighters, so to me, it seemed a natural place to start. There are also many interesting application settings to draw from in this unit. Below is an image of some of my first notes about the interface and gameplay mode. 

     This was over a year ago. Once I started taking steps to actual design and develop the game, I reached out to a colleague in math education. We had several meetings over the course of the year to discuss the game and how to incorporate the math and make it relevant to gameplay. We discussed how to create interesting problems to solve. Throughout the last year, I have developed the opening puzzle to the level and gone through several iterations of the main level's structure, narrative, and learning instances. Below are images showing my initial thoughts on the game level design.

     I am still working on the level design. And while much of the structure you see in the images above still remains, most of the details have changed. It has been my experience so far, that learning game design is an iterative process. To get it right, to balance the fun and learning, maintain engagement and create flow, is rarely achieved on the first try; but worth the time and effort to get it right. 

So, join me on this journey of designing Function Fighters. I think it is going to be quite an adventure!